Scotty is very laid back. Most shelties are not. Due to his temperament, he is well suited for the nursing home circuit.
His first mama died last Dec at 86. She and her friend, Jan, took Jan's shelties and Scotty to visit nursing homes, hospitals and so on. Scotty was more or less "trained" by the other shelties, I think.
I called the director of the local nursing home and she was just thrilled when I volunteered to bring Scotty. I just go in, stick my head in the door of a room and ask if they'd like a visit from a pretty dog. All but one have said yes. She didn't like dogs so I just wave to her as we go on by now.
Most are up and in their wheelchairs so they have to bend down to pet Scotty. I need to figure out a way to get him up about 6". Thinking of a wagon. He could sit in that and let them pet him. I can't keep lifting him and holding him up. Puts us both in a very awkward position and makes my back hurt quick!
The ones that are still in the beds almost always want me to put Scotty up in the bed with them. So I do. He lays down right next to them, lets them pet him to their hearts content and I give them treats to feed him. They're so thrilled to see him it just makes your heart smile.
One lady was sitting in her wheelchair out by the nurses station just sobbing her heart out. The nurse asked me to take Scotty over to her and when she saw him, she quieted right down and pet him.
It's kind of hard on me and I think hard on Scotty when he knows they're very, very sick. The first lady he visited in the nursing home up here has passed on. I think he knew she didn't have long. But then days like last Friday, he was all smiles because everyone he went to visit was doing ok.
We went into an activity that they were doing and they stopped so they could visit with Scotty. Pushed the tables out of the way and circled their wheelchairs around him. He loves the attention but he's always so careful with the people. He's very gentle and quiet so that he doesn't scare or startle them.
All in all, my boy is a pretty amazing little guy. And I'm sure you can tell that I love him dearly.